Software vs Hardware

This section will explain how to determine if your legacy F1 units are upgradable from the original V3 software to the newer V4 software, and if so, how to upgrade them. In order to fully understand this section, the software must be differentiated from the hardware.

The Hardware

F1 and F2 refer to the actual units themselves. The F1 unit is the original legacy units released in 2010, while the F2 unit is the newer unit released in 2019.

RSWA (Resistance Spot Weld Analyzer) can either refer to the units themselves (i.e. “RSWA unit”) or the software running on the unit (i.e. “RSWA software”). Another name for RSWA software is “Array Explorer”.

Legacy F1 Unit

F2 Unit

The Software

V3 and V4 refer to the software on the units. V3 runs on the older F1 units, while V4 runs on the newer F2 units and upgraded F1 units.

Similarly, TDS1 and TDS2 refer to Tessonics Data Service server which is part of the V4 software package. TDS1 belongs to the early V4 software package and TDS2 belongs to the newer V4 software package.

DT refers to the desktop software that runs on computers connected to your network. If you are using V4, DT refers to Desktop Tools. If you are using V3, it refers to the Desktop Tools software package, including Designer, Synchronizer, Reporter and more.


If you have any legacy F1 units, depending on the hardware configuration, they may support running the V4 software package. Visit this page to determine its upgradability.

If you have determined your F1 unit is not upgradable, you can send the unit back to Tessonics to have the F1 hardware upgraded to support the V4 software. This includes upgrades to the motherboard and the digital signal processor (DSP).

Below is a table outlining the recommended software versions based on your device configuration.

Be sure to determine the database configuration as well to check if the software is using an MDB or SQLite database.

RSWA/DTDesigner/TDSDatabaseRecommended VersionCommentsF1F1.5F2
V3V3mdbVersion 3.11.0Standard V3XX
V4TDS1sqliteRSWA, TDS V4, upgrade if possibleXX
V4TDS2sqliteAny version 4.x.yRecent V4XX

To download versions for RSWA and for TDS, visit the following links:

Special Case: Desktop Tools Versions 400g/402g

There are early releases for Desktop Tools for the V4 software packages, named 400g and 402g. It still relies on using the original TDS1 software.

If you are running either version 400g or 402g of Desktop Tools, then you will need to install the above versions of TDS and RSWA software.