User Groups

The different Tessonics software products provide a set of user groups granting access to certain features. The named groups a user may be assigned to are:

  • admin
  • standard
  • advanced
  • editor
  • reporter
  • transfer
  • supervisor

With each user group a set of tasks is associated. Say, if a user belongs to the ‘admin’ group, she is allowed to perform tasks such as creating or deleting other users. To get an overview about which user group is allowed to perform which tasks the following table may be taken for reference:

DT: Logging in
DT: Editing usersxxxxxx
DT: Editing columnsxxxxxx
DT: Editing categoriesxxxxxx
DT: Editing reasonsxxxxxx
DT: Editing regional settingsxxxxxx
DT: Editing algorithm presetsxxxxxx
DT: Editing parts/groupsxxxxx
DT: Editing Template revisionsxxxxx
DT: Writing Template revisionsxxxxx
DT: Importing Inspectionsxxxxx
RSWA: Logging in
RSWA: Activating Template revisionxxxxx
RSWA: Starting inspection
AE: Set visual settingsxxxxx
AE: Set algorithm settingsxxxxx
RSWA: Sending inspectionsxxxxx
RSWA: Access Settings (Probe)
RSWA: Access Settings (Export)xxxxxx
RSWA: Access Settings (File-Browser)xxxxxx
RSWA: Access Settings (Windows-Browser)xxxxxx
RSWA: Access Settings (Date-Time)xxxxxx
RSWA: Access Settings (Windows Settings)xxxxxx
RSWA: Access Settings (Information)
RSWA: Access Settings (Log)
RSWA: Access Settings (Wi-Fi Connections)xxxxxx
RSWA: Access Settings (Inspection storage)
TDS: Logging inxxxxx
TDS: Viewing inspections/reportsxxxxx
TDS: Modifying Devices pagexxxxxx
TDS: Writing Template revisionsxxxxxx