TDS offers a variety of reporting tools to help get a better understanding of your part failures and reasons for them as well as operator usage

Part Failure Reports

To view part failure reports, first head to the Product Overview report page. You may also access the page via the Reports dropdown in the navbar by clicking the Product Overview link listed there. This page lists the overall inspection statistics for all Parts in every Group ever entered in the database. These statistics include the total number of Inspections, Measurements taken, and how many of them were Failures. The first entry will always be for custom inspections made on the RSWA. Due to the nature of these types of inspections, no further data can be provided. The Change Dates dropdown may be used to lessen the timespan shown. To view the details for an individual group, the Group names in the leftmost column may be clicked.

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When a Part name is clicked, the details page for that part is opened. This is very similar to the inspection details page for an inspection of that part. You may use the Filter Names dialog to show only a subset of the joints in the part. As before, the Change Dates dropdown may be used to lessen the timespan shown. For each individual joint, next to the image viewer icon, there is a report graph icon. Clicking this loads a graph plotting the data for each measurement made in the given timespan. The remaining details are that of the template parameters for the part as well as the Measurement and Failure statistics.

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Reason Usage Report

To view decision reason reports, first head to the Reason Usage report page. You may also access the page via the Reports dropdown in the navbar by clicking the Reason Usage link listed there. This page lists reasons for passing or failing a given measurement during an inspection. At the top of the page, you will see filter options for modifying the results. You may change the given date range, switch between viewing the reasons for Welds and Bonds, as well as viewing Pass and Fail reasons, or both via the All option. The Show Custom Reasons checkbox will change how reasons entered at inspection time by the operator are displayed. If unchecked, they will be grouped together under the ** Other Pass entry. Otherwise, there will be an entry for each unique instance. You will be shown a bar graph and pie chart of the reason counts and percentages for the given filters. Below that you will see the exact count for each reason. Reasons that have been deleted from the data server will appear as ** Deleted Pass or ** Deleted Fail.

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User Usage Report

To view the work by various users, first head to the User Usage report page. You may also access the page via the Reports dropdown in the navbar by clicking the User Usage link listed there. This page lists the number of inspections and measurements performed by all the different users. At the top of the page, you will see filter options for modifying the results. You may change the given date range, switch between viewing the report for Welds and Bonds, or both via the All option. You will be shown a bar graph and pie chart of the measurement counts and percentages for the given filters. Below this graph, in the entry list, you can see the exact details for each user in the data server. Clicking on their name will send you to the inspection list with the current filters for that user.

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