The XML associated with a template revision takes the following form:



Details for each sub-tag follow.



server_nameName of the associated TDS Server
server_uidUID of the associated TDS Server
server_urlURL of the associated TDS Server
revision_idInternal ID of this template revision
revision_nameName of this template revision

Other Subtags

ReasonA pass/fail reason. Can occur zero or more times.
UserA user. Can occur zero or more times.
CategoryA weld/bond category. Can occur zero or more times.
PartA top-level part. Can occur zero or more times.
GroupA top-level group. Can occur zero or more times.


idInternal ID of the reason
uidUID of the reason
captionCaption of the reason
typeType of the reason. 1: weld pass, 2: weld fail, 3: bond pass, 4: bond fail
createdDate the reason was created
deleted1: deleted, 0: otherwise
deleted_dateDate the reason was deleted. Empty if not deleted
positionPosition the reason appears in the selection list


idInternal ID of the user
uidUID of the user
nameName of the user
alt_idAlternative ID of the user
image_indexImage associated with the user
createdDate the user was created
modifiedDate the user was last modified
deleted1: deleted, 0: otherwise
deleted_dateDate the user was recycled. Empty if not recycled
loginLogin of the user
pwd_hashInternal encrypted password hash (for TDS logins)
pwd_hash_publicEncrypted password hash (for on-RSWA logins)
purged_onDate the user was completely deleted. Empty if not completely deleted
Ugroup/idID of the user group the user belongs to. Can occur zero or more times.


idInternal ID of the category
uidUID of the category
nameName of the category
colorColor associated with the category
type1: weld category, 2: bond category


idInternal ID of the part
uidUID of the part
group_idID of the parent group. Empty if the part is a top-level part.
nameName of the part.
createdDate the part was created.
modifiedDate the part was last modified.
deleted1: the part is deleted, 0: otherwise
deleted_dateDate the part was deleted
weld_countNumber of welds in the part
bond_countNumber of bonds in the part
measurement_typeMaterial type of the part: rswa-steel, rswa-aluminum, abis-steel, or abis-aluminum
metaUser-specified metadata associated with the part.
WeldWeld. Can occur zero or more times.
BondBond. Can occur zero or more times.
RouteRoute. Can occur zero or more times.
ImageImage. Can occur zero or more times.


idInternal ID of the weld
uidUID of the weld
part_idID of the parent part
nameName of the weld
slotsNumber of slots. 2: 2T, 3: 3T
stack_frontFront stack thickness
stack_middleMiddle stack thickness. Empty when weld is 2T.
stack_backBack stack thickness
diameter_minMinimum diameter
diameter_targetTarget diameter
indentation_minMinimum indentation
indentation_maxMaximum indentation
category_idID of the weld’s category
scheduleRobot schedule
deleted1: deleted, 0: otherwise
hot_spot_countNumber of hot spots that reference the weld
route_item_countNumber of route items that reference the weld
robotRobot name
thickness_minMinimum total stack thickness
thickness_maxMaximum total stack thickness
metaUser-specified metadata associated with the weld
commentUser-specified comment associated with the weld


idInternal ID of the bond
uidUID of the bond
part_idID of the parent part
nameName of the bond
slotsNumber of measurement slots for the bond. Between 1 and 10.
stack_frontFront stack thickness
stack_backBack stack thickness
bead_minMinimum bead width
category_idID of the bond’s category
deleted1: deleted, 0: otherwise
hot_spot_countNumber of hot spots that reference the bond
route_item_countNumber of route items that reference the bond
robotRobot name
metaUser-specified metadata associated with the bond
commentUser-specified comment associated with the bond


idInternal ID of the route
uidUID of the route
part_idID of the parent part
nameName of the route
deleted1: deleted, 0: otherwise
deleted_dateDate deleted. Empty if not deleted.
route_item_countNumber of route items in the route
measurement_typeMaterial type of the parent part: rswa-steel, rswa-aluminum, abis-steel, or abis-aluminum
commentUser-specified comment associated with the route
RouteItemRoute items. Can occur zero or more times.


idInternal ID of the route item
route_idID of the parent route
positionPosition within the parent route
weld_idID of the associated weld. Empty if a bond ID is specified.
bond_idID of the associated bond. Empty if a weld ID is specified.
image_idID of the default image to show when the route is started in the RSWA software.


idInternal ID of the image
uidUID of the image
part_idID of the parent part
widthWidth of the image, in pixels
heightHeight of the image, in pixels
positionPosition of the image in the parent part’s list of images
crc32Checksum of the image’s binary data
thumbnailThumbnail binary data of the image
dataFull binary data of the image
HotSpotA hotspot. Can occur zero or more times.
metaUser-specified metadata associated with the image


idInternal ID of the hotspot
image_idID of the parent image
weld_idID of the associated weld. Empty if a bond ID is specified.
bond_idID of the associated bond. Empty if a weld ID is specified.
dataLabel and position data of the hotspot. Encoded as a JSON object.


idInternal ID of the group
uidUID of the group
parent_idID of the parent group. Empty if the group is a top-level group.
nameName of the group.
createdDate the group was created.
modifiedDate the group was last modified
deleted1: deleted, 0: otherwise
deleted_dateDate the group was deleted
commentUser-specified comment associated with the group
PartPart. Can occur zero or more times.
GroupSub-group. Can occur zero or more times.