Version 4.5.1

TDS Server

Security update - installation strongly recommended

  • Hardened user input validation.

Version 4.5.0

TDS Server


  • Autofocuses username field on login screen.
  • Updated home page layout.
  • Add a warning to the home page when URL is pointing to localhost or in tds-server.json.
  • TDS Server version is now visible in the upper right corner.
  • Device-Manager: display software version of RSWA units.
    • Currently only shows the version at the time of registration.
  • When logging in with a user without admin/reporter privileges, a new message is displayed:
    • “Access denied! Contact your administrator for access.”
  • Config updates:
    • client_hide_login_user_list: setting this to true will activate open logins on TDS/RSWA.
    • Updating TDS will have the installer update the config file with the new configuration options.

API Updates

  • /parts: allows displaying all welds/bonds: /parts?with_locations=yes
  • /search includes search results’ parents.
    • Allows displaying the group of a part, the part of a weld, etc.
  • /hot_spots allows bulk upload.

Bug Fixes

  • Deleting a category or preset will remove it from all associated welds and bonds.
  • Updating a part’s name, user name or route name will update accordingly for previous inspections.
  • Fixed toggling images in inspection reports.
  • Deleting a revision removes it from server.
  • Deleting presets or categories updates those welds and bonds.
  • Improved reordering images in Desktop Tools.
  • Improved moving weld locations in duplicate parts.
  • Updates to installer.
  • Updates to deleting users.

Desktop Tools


  • Check storage space before writing revision to USB.
  • Export revisions to V3 to include user passwords is now possible.
  • Can search for entities with less than 3 characters.
    • Only performed when manually pressing enter.
  • Open login dialog.
    • Only activated if the TDS Server has client_hide_login_user_list enabled.
  • Route creation:
    • Select all hotspots / invert selection in list side bar.
    • Selection of hotspots is maintained across different images/routes.
  • Routes in part overview are sorted alphabetically.
  • Images / Routes: highlights the image thumbnail containing the selected hotspot.
  • Search displays a part’s group, a weld’s part, etc.

Bug Fixes

  • Improvements for reordering part images.
    • Click and hold the image thumbnail for more than 400ms.
  • Bug fixes for moving hotspots on duplicated parts.
  • Deleted revisions will no longer be recreated (files removed manually).
    • An error message shows when trying to upload a deleted revision, or when trying to load a deleted revision to USB.

Array Explorer

  • Inspections are read only for everyone except the creator.
    • Toggleable in app settings.
  • Open login dialog.
    • Only activated if a revision from TDS Server with client_hide_login_user_list enabled is active.
  • App settings grouped in sections.
  • Routes are ordered alphabetically.

V3 -> V4 Importer

  • Import v3 user passwords.
    • Initially, only available on DT/TDS.
    • Once logged in once, available on RSWA.
    • Login name derived from v3 user name / alt user name.
    • Only available with TDS Server 4.5.0 and newer.
  • Dry run support.
    • Show the imports without actually performing them.

Version 4.4.2

  • Bug fixes with the 3T button.

Version 4.4.1

  • Bug fixes regarding selecting 3T mode.
  • Bug fixes with displaying measurements in continuous mode.

Version 4.4.0

Array Explorer


  • Additional App Settings:
    • Toggle “Default to 3T mode”: Choose the preferred inspection mode with 3-plate joints (“3T” or “2T/both sides”).
    • Toggle “Keep Zoom Level when changing Images”: Option to keep the image zoom during an image change within the inspection route.
  • New “Overview” button allows quick navigation to the overview page in Template Mode Inspection / Restricted Mode Inspection menu.
  • Spotwelds belonging to the part but not the current route are marked with a gray X on the image.

Bug Fixes

  • The display settings in the RSWA persist across reboots.
  • UI issue fixed regarding the stack thickness display in the a-scan panel.
  • Stability improvements during the forced revision activation.
  • XML Parse error/Couldn't delete revision bugs fixed during revision activation.
  • Step size of the “Manual Size Adjustment” slider in the algorithm settings updated to 0.1mm increments.

V3 -> V4 Importer


  • Adding the option to import gun information together with the robot info.

Desktop Tools


  • When editing a route:
    • Dragging a spotweld with the mouse from image to route, will add it; and
    • Hitting the DEL key will remove the selected spotweld from the route.
  • Software-side restrictions to stack max thicknesses has been raised.

Bug Fixes

  • Stability improvements in case of a TDS Server restart.

TDS Server


  • Performance optimization for the creation of large revisions.
  • Logs are now also writting to the Windows Event Log.
  • Tool for a-scan migration for databases that have been created by TDS Server versions pre-v4.0.0:
    • Older TDS databases contain full a-scan data and can get very large.
    • tds-server.exe tools migrate-ascans moves all a-scan data from the template database to the measurement database.
    • Reduce general TDS database sizes.
    • Optimizes TDS Server startup times.

Version 4.3.1

  • Bug fixes with importing templates.
  • Small improvements with the Array Explorer UI.
  • Small bug fixes with the device page on the TDS Server.

Version 4.3.0

Array Explorer

  • Spotweld constraints are shown in the header bar during inspection.
    • min./target diameter.
    • min./max. indentation.
    • min./max. remaining wall thickness.
  • New application toggles in the settings:
    • Show relative indentation in percent with respect to the front plate thickness instead of absolute indentation.
    • Allow/disallow entering custom reasons during inspection.
    • During inspection, sort reasons by creation order (as in Desktop Tools) or alphabetically.
    • Allow/disallow insertion of spots into current route by tapping them on the image - more below.
  • Insert spots into current route by tapping them on the image.
    • Must be enabled in the application settings.
    • Tapping on a hotspot that is not part of the current route adds it to this inspection.
    • It can be inserted after the active spot or appended to the end of the inspection.
    • The inserted spot will be selected for inspection.
  • Sorting of completed inspections by part.
  • Updated user permissions:
    • Users with advanced privileges can edit the inspection settings during inspection.
  • Revision notifications.
    • Upon receiving a new inspection a popup opens.
    • This popup allows to activate the revision immediately.
  • OpenSSL update to 1.0.2u.
  • Bugfixes:
    • Sensitivity slider for bond inspections updated in range and increments.
    • Fixed occasional runtime error when switching to grid view.

Desktop Tools

  • Updated user privileges:
    • users with editor privileges can now update algorithm presets, reasons and categories.
  • Route editing:
    • clicking on a spot in the list opens the associated image.
  • Bugfix: image editing - double clicking on a spot that already exists on the image will not cause an error anymore.
  • Revision creation:
    • name prompt changed from “revision xx” to “YYYYMMDD HHMM <user>
    • “YYYYMMDD HHMM” is the revision’s timestamp.
    • "<user>" is the name of the current active user.
  • HTTPS requests now use TLS 1.2.

TDS Server

  • Windows Event Logs are used for warnings and errors.
  • Parts statistics in TDS Server now link to the respective inspections.
    • Clicking on a measurement in the part statistics chart leads to the inspection report containing that inspection.
  • Allowing force activation of revisions.
    • In the device manager, setting the checkmark during revision download will have the device activate the revision upon receival.
    • When activating the revision, the active user is logged out and active inspections are paused.

Version 4.2.2

  • Fixed rounding issue which would sometimes not display a warning if measurement and threshold were sufficiently close.

Verison 4.2.1

  • Fixed Floating Point Error during measurements, when front plate couldn’t be detected properly.

Version 4.2.0

  • Restricted permissions for standard users.
    • No access to Wi-Fi settings.
    • No access to Windows browser.
    • No access to RSWA browser.
    • No access to RSWA auto sync option.
    • No access to date/time settings.
  • Added a 3-second delay after wrong password input.
  • There is now an option to skip Tessonics shell and go right into Array Explorer.
    • It also removes the close application option from array explorer.
  • Password policy support.
    • Shows password policy on violation during user creation/editing.
    • Currently only English is supported for password policy messages.
  • Fixed Wi-Fi signal strength indicator bugs for F1.5 devices.
  • Auditor: Shows indentation as percentage with respect to front plate thickness.
  • Fixed bug with automatic inspection uploads not being transferred.

Version 4.1.1

  • Fixed missing VCRUNTIME140.dll on F1 devices.
  • Various translation fixes.

Version 4.1.0

Array Explorer and Desktop Tools

  • Updated plate thickness and stack thickness indicators in A-scan area
  • Correlation Export support for the coming Correlator App
  • Streamlined user permissions
  • Manually set middle plate thicknesses up to 5mm
  • Stack changes during inspections are highlighted more visibly
  • Various bugfixes, including various bugs with the RSWA installer
  • System stability improvements

TDS Server

  • Better application logging engine.
  • Allow multiple TDS Server instances running on the same machine via CLI.
  • Device Manager displays the active revision on each device.
  • Updated size limit for robot and schedule to 50 characters.
  • Various bugfixes.
  • System stability improvements.

Version 4.0.1

  • Using a more recent UDSP library which may (or may not) improve the thickness gauge.
  • Added support for additional remote-control vid/pid identifiers.
  • Array Explorer fetaures a new thickness gauge code.
  • Desktop Tools and V3 Importer should be pretty much the same.

Version 4.0.0

  • Added presets.
  • Digitally signed installers.
  • Removed surface follower.