
The RSWA-v4 software suite includes the following components:

  1. The Array Explorer software, which is run on the RSWA units.
  2. The Tessonics Data Service (TDS), which is a web-based application for data collection and reporting.
  3. The Desktop Tools, which is a desktop application for managing RSWA units.

Each of the above components is required to use the RSWA units to their fullest potential. The remainder of this document outlines the steps required for installing the software components.

Hardware and Software Recommendations

Before installing the software suite, you will need a computer suitable for running the TDS server, and a (optionally separate) computer for running the Desktop Tools. Below we outline the recommended hardware and software specifications for these two components.

TDS Recommendations


  • Minimum dual-core CPU.
  • 64 bit.
  • Hyper threading support is preferred.
  • Minimum 2 GB recommended.
Hard Drive
  • Recommended at least 1 Terabyte (TB) of hard drive space. Actual space usage depends on how many inspections are taken, and how long inspections are required to be saved for.
  • Solid-state hard drives are preferred for performance reasons.


Operating System
  • Windows 10, or Windows Server 2019
  • 64 bit.
  • By default, TDS uses port 443 (for SSL/TLS). This port must be opened on the firewall for inbound connections. TDS can be also configured to use plain HTTP, in which case port 80 must be opened on the firewall for inbound connections.
  • TDS can be configured to use different ports, for both SSL/TLS and plain HTTP. If the default port is changed, then that port must be opened on the firewall for inbound connections.
Virus Protection

We recommend using Windows Defender for protection on the computer hosting TDS.


TDS stores all of its information in SQLITE database files. By default, those files are database.sqlite3 and measurements.sqlite, and they are located under C:\ProgramData\tessonics\tds2\data. It is recommended to backup database files periodically. Since it is a plain file, copying it and pasting it into a secure location is sufficient for backing up the data.

Desktop Tools Recommendations


Any modern PC can support Desktop Tools. It is a 32 bit Windows application.


Windows 10 is recommended.