Creating Template Revisions

Once you have created users and filled out your products catalog, it’s time to transfer that data to the RSWA.

The first step is to create a template revision. A template revision is a snapshot of your templates and users that will be sent to the RSWA. Click on the Revisions page to get started.

Revisions Page{min-width=45%}

Template Revisions Page{min-width=45%}

Initially, there will be no revisions in your database. Click Create Revision to create one. It will appear in the revisions list on the page once it is completed.

Revisions List{height=30%}

Transfer to RSWA

Once the revision has been created, you need to transfer it to the RSWA. There are two ways of doing this:

  • USB thumb drive
  • Over Wi-Fi

Click on the Devices Synchronization page from the main menu. The left pane shows a list of all USB thumb drives currently plugged into your computer, as well as a list of all RSWA units that are:

  • Detected on the network, and
  • Affiliated with this server.

Transfer via USB

Click on the USB drive you want to use to transfer the templates.

Selecting the USB Drive{min-width=45%}

Selecting the USB Drive{min-width=45%}

After selecting, the right-hand pane will change to show you the various transfer options that are available for this USB device. You will see:

  • General information about the USB device
  • The list of revisions that are currently on the device
  • A drop-down menu for selecting which revision you want to write onto the device
  • A button to write users only, skipping templates
  • Actions such as ejecting the device and importing inspections from it.
  • General information about the USB device
  • The list of revisions that are currently on the device
  • A drop-down menu for selecting which revision you want to write onto the device
  • Actions such as ejecting the device and importing inspections from it.

To transfer a template revision onto the USB device, select the revision to use (under the Template Data Template Revision Data subheading) and click Write Revision. Once finished, click Eject under the Actions subheading, then insert the flash drive into the RSWA.

See the RSWA documentation for how to activate a template revision from a USB device.

USB Options{min-width=50%}

USB Options{min-width=50%}

Transfer via Wi-Fi

Once an RSWA has been affiliated with the database, you can write template revisions directly to the unit via Wi-Fi. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Select the RSWA unit from the list of units on the left of the Devices Synchronization page.
  2. Select the revision to transfer, same as above for USB devices.
  3. Click Upload Revision.

Sending Only Users

Regardless of if you are transferring the template by USB or Wi-Fi, you have the option of only transferring users. This can save you some time when the only change that was made to your database is use-related. Click Write Users under the Template Data subheading to transfer only user data to the RSWA.