Algorithm Presets are for changing settings in the Algorithm settings page (these are advanced settings that are locked out from basic users). Multiple presets can be created such that a part template can have multiple settings. These presets can also be set for each weld location.

As an example, for a part named Part1, welds 1-3 could have a preset called Config #1 that will have its own preset configuration, and the same part template could have a preset called Config #2 for welds 4-6 with a different configuration (listed below).

Sample Config #1 Preset Data{min-width=40%}

Sample Config #2 Preset Data{min-width=40%}

Then, inside the Part1 template, the presets are attached to each weld, as shown below.

Sample Part1 Preset Listings{min-width=65%}

Creating Algorithm Presets

In Desktop Tools, go to Settings and click on Algorithm Presets, then click on Add Preset. A dialog box will open, where you will be able to name the Algorithm Preset Configuration and change the settings.

Algorithm Preset Popup{min-width=40%}

To add another preset configuration, just click Add in the column with the listed configuration.

Add More Algorithm Presets{height=45% margin=0}

Once you have created all the different configurations needed, go to the part template welds listing and select the configuration for each weld in the Preset column.
You can do multiple welds at a time by highlighting the welds for one configuration and using the Properties box and selecting the Preset for those welds.

Select Algorithm Presets{min-width=60%}