Current XML Format Description

Inspection Information

The XML format allows for the export of multiple inspections. The top-level tag <inspections> contains the list of individual inspections. Each inspection begins with an <inspection> tag, and contains the following tags:

XML TagDescription
inspection-idID of the inspection
inspection-nameName of the inspection
time-stampTime inspection was started
unit-serialSerial number of the RSWA unit
ae-versionArray Explorer software version
part-idID of the part
part-nameName of the part
route-idID of the route
route-nameName of the route
operator-idID of the operator
operator-nameName of the operator

Measurement Information

Within each <inspection> is the list of weld measurements, contained within the <measurements> tag. Each measurement begins with a <measurement> tag, and contains the following tags:

XML TagDescription
decisionThe pass/fail decision text
decision-reasonPass or Fail
weld-idID of the weld
weld-nameName of the weld
weld-safetySafety weld (yes/no)
weld-3TIs the weld 3T (yes/no)
diameter-1Nugget diameter
diameter-2Nugget diameter (3T)
diameter-minNugget diameter min (from template)
diameter-nomNugget diameter nominal (from template)
indentation-2Indentation (3T)
indentation-minIndentation min (from template)
indentation-maxIndentation max (from template)
front-plate-1Front plate thickness
front-plate-2Plate thickness (3T)
stack-1Stack thickness
stack-2Stack thickness (3T)
robot-nameRobot name assigned to the weld
robot-scheduleRobot schedule
robot-gunRobot gun
time-stampTime the measurement was taken

Legacy XML Format Description

Inspection Information

FP3 TagDescription
m4Inspection date
m5Operator name
m7Part name
m9Order (route) name

Measurement Information

The following fields appear for each measurement in the inspection.

FP3 TagDescription
m20Measurement caption
m21Measurement date
m22Measurement pass/fail reason
m27Measurement indentation 2 (for 3T welds)
m28Measurement indentation 1
m31Measurement cscan diameter 2 (for 3T welds)
m32Measurement cscan diameter 1